Direct customer remote support
services provided by our centre in India
Welcome to udaya Support
How can we help?
1. What do I need to provide with Free WiFi at my location?
To provide a Free WiFi, you need to:
a. Have a Access Point
b. Have a udaya Cloud License
2. How many Access Point should I purchase?
A thumb rule is one Access Point per 500 ft2 or 45m2 with no major obstructions like concrete walls. For complete location analysis and a Free consultancy, contact us.
3. How many Access Points are supported in a license?
One udaya cloud license per Access Point.
4. Where can we advertise?
Our beautiful sector specific templates allows venue owners to advertise discount coupon, new announcements etc. to their online visitor/customer/users. They can also rename their WiFi name as per their campaign name.
5. How secure is udaya free WiFi?
It is fully secured. One can start a session on the network with only login credentials. New user can login either by sharing social media profile or by OTP.
6. What kind of information is being collected when one connects?
We value privacy and will not collect any hidden information of the user. We only collect data that users have already given permission like demographic data, type of WiFi device etc.
7. What do i need to access free WiFi?
a. Have a Wi-Fi enabled device
b. Be in range of a Wi-Fi
c. Connect to the Wi-Fi network name
d. Wait for the ‘connect’ button to appear on your screen, and/or engage with WiFi provider sponsor’s message
8. My issue isn't listed
If you are experiencing an issue that can’t be resolved through FAQ section, please contact us.
If you are reporting a problem, please remember to provide as much information that is relevant to the issue as possible.